Everyone has faith, no matter what their belief system. Faith is a belief in something you cannot see. So you have faith in things you want to happen, that has not happened yet. For most of us, we have faith that our car is going to start in the morning so we can make it to our places of work. For Christians, faith means far more than that. Yes, we have faith that God exists even though we cannot see him. However, it extends further than that. We have compiled a list of Bible verses about faith that illustrates the importance of faith to a Christian. The will also help you to grow your faith.

What is Faith?

Hebrews 11:1

This verse explains what faith really is perfect. We can not see God, but we know that he is there. These beliefs show our faith that God is real and with us. The Christian faith is not just some simple belief though. Our faith has an effect on our lives and allows things we once thought impossible to become possible.

With Faith Anything is Possible

Matthew 17:20-22

As far as verses about faith go this is one of my favorites. Jesus is showing us that even with a small amount of faith anything is possible. The verse also has the ability to make you think. If a small amount of faith makes anything possible what more can I do with a lifetime of faith in Christ? Notice also that to get the mountain to move required on extra step than just faith. It required an act of speech. Very often our faith can be shown by action.

Faith Shown By Action

Matthew 9:2

We recently talked about the subject of faith and action combined in another article(link here). This is just one short verse that brings that point home once again. You can see this point throughout the whole Bible, all the way from Genisis to Exodus. Action can be anything you can show your faith through prayer, fasting, or just how you live your life in obedience to God’s word. Many figures in the Bible showed action in their faith by showing full trust in God.

Have Faith Like Moses

When you are exploring verses about the faith you have to look at the faith shown by the people of the Bible. The people in this verse did not have a strong faith. Especially when you compared it to the faith of Moses. Even when looking at what was most likely the end coming Moses was not afraid. He had the faith to believe that God would not forsake his people. We need to have the faith to trust that God’s got this all the time. Even before we know what is really going to happen.

Exodus 14:21-22

After showing he truly had faith that God would save them he heard God’s voice. God revealed his plan to Moses and when he did as God told him the sea was split down the middle. Once the Israelites made it to the other side God released the water and destroyed the enemy. Thorugh the faith of Moses, all of Israel was delivered from the hands of their enemy. If we adopt the faith of Moses and show it in our lives God will honor that and deliver us.

Thanks For Reading!

I hope this article has helped to strengthen your faith. These verses have all touch us at one time or another and helped us on our walk with God. Faith is the key point of the Christian lifestyle because without faith we really have nothing. So reading just a few verses about faith make take you farther than you ever thought you could go. If this article made an impact on you please share it so we can reach even more people. Do have any verses about faith not mentioned in this article that are meaningful to you? Please let us know in the comments below. They may make it into another post just like this.


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