At one time or another, we have all wondered why the good die young. It’s hard for us to understand why a good Christian who served God to the fullest and genuinely loved others would die seemly before their time. Outside of salvation, this issue we all face is questioned more than anything else. Answers rarely give us the understanding we are seeking and few reference God’s word. However, there is one passage of scripture you never hear taught that answers the question of “why do the good die young” directly.

Isaiah 57:1–2 (ESV)

57 The righteous man perishes, 

and no one lays it to heart; 

  devout men are taken away, 

while no one understands. 

  For the righteous man is taken away from calamity; 

 2  he enters into peace; 

  they rest in their beds 

who walk in their uprightness. 

When a good person dies it doesn’t show a lack of love from God. In fact, that verse makes clear it shows great love on God’s part. Instead of allowing a good person to suffer the evil that lies ahead in their life, God will take them up into glory. We can believe that when a Christian dies it is because they had fulfilled the purpose God placed in their lives. That He has chosen to save them from facing any more sorrows in our fallen world. To those of us Christians who are still alive and breathing, we can know that God still has a purpose for us. One that is worth walking through this life as long as He sees fit.

Often we view death and leaving this world behind as a punishment. Sharing the view of the world that one of the greatest blessings we can have is a long life on earth. While joy and happiness can be had here it compares nothing to what is waiting in Heaven. For the redeemed person, death is not a punishment but a reward for a life lived righteously. Paul wrote that he didn’t know what would be better to live or to die and be with Christ. But was happy to live because he knew his life in Christ could have a great impact on others. Still, though he longed to leave this fallen world behind so he could move into the greater place prepared for him and every other believer.

Philippians 1:21–25 (ESV)

21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith,

2 Corinthians 5:2–4 (ESV)

2 For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, 3 if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked. 4 For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

2 Corinthians 5:8 (ESV)

8 Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

When a believer we hold close dies, it can be our worst day but it is important we remember it is their best day. All their hard work and perseverance have finally paid off. They have been granted the reward scripture has promised them. Allowing them to finally get to meet Jesus, who they have loved for so long, face to face. Beginning their journey into eternity where pain and suffering are no more. 

Revelation 21:4 (ESV)

4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” 

The saddest thing we can face in this world is seeing someone pass on who doesn’t know the Lord. Because we know the perils that eternity has for them. But even in this all-too-common occurrence, we should not question God. The Lord loves all people and wants to see everyone saved. He gives every individual person countless chances to be saved in their life. Scripture even points to the time God gives people to be saved stating that it’s the very reason Jesus has yet to return for the church. 

1 Timothy 2:4 (ESV)

4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)

9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

The sad truth is that for those who have died lost no amount of extra years would have caused them to be saved. It’s like unto the rich man’s brothers who wouldn’t turn from their sins even if Lazarus came back from the dead to warn them. Some people simply won’t accept Christ no matter what happens or how much time they are given. 

Luke 16:27–31 (ESV)

27 And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house— 28 for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’ ” 

Death is sad whenever it happens no matter the age of the person. Nothing can ever fully silence the pain of losing a loved one. But peace can be found in God’s word where things unexplainable in the world are explained by our creator. When you have a tough question turn to the Bible and find the answer you desperately need. Like why do the good die young? Because God is saving them from tougher times that lie ahead. 

God knows the questions that trouble us just like this one and has answered them in His word. Don’t allow questions to constantly churn in your mind. Instead, turn to God’s word whenever you are hurting or need peace and find the answer you are seeking. The world won’t have your answer but God will. The Lord is merciful, compassionate, and loving. Take the time to dig into His word and you will soon be able to see His characteristics in every aspect of life. Even in the toughest times, you face. 

Visit Justin’s personal website Here. Or see articles from other writers we feature Here. Also, be sure to stop by our prayer wall.


  1. I recently lost a loved one and In deep grief, I decided to take my phone and search for the question that has been consistentlyrunning through my head since the loss.
    I’m glad I found this piece.
    I knew this but I needed a reassurance. I’m glad I found it here. Thank you so much. God bless you.

    • I am glad this article was able to meet you in your time of need. I hope you realize how much I truly appreciate your comment. Once an article is published I can only hope God will use it and it is really encouraging to find out He did. I am truly sorry for your loss and will be praying for you. But all glory be to God because we know that one day we will all be reunited with our loved ones for eternity. God Bless!

  2. I really appreciate this post. Lost my brother in 7 months ago. He was a man of God, lived everyday for Jesus. This article reminds me Gods deep love and intentions for us.

  3. Needed this this am as i am tossing and turning. Trying hard not to question or be upset at God for the loss of my dear Aunty who lived and serve God deeply… and to a disease. God can cure all and this woman deserves the healing.

  4. I lost my Eldest brother 2nd of January 2023. He was a God fearing man and always live the life that pleases God but unfortunately he died of accident. I’ve been thinking why my brother the most righteous among my family could die so soon. I had to search this and the scriptures gave me an answer to that.may God console me and my family. And may his soul rest in God’s bossom

  5. I lost my son of 19 to a tragic motorcycle accident last week. I was his biggest fan,and he was my sunshine everyday. His energy and kindness for others was only that and always good with nothing but love for others and gods creatures. I ask why he was taken so quickly when there was so much left for him to show me, and how to love unconditionally. I pray that he watches over my family and shines light on Gods pathway for us to follow.

  6. Thank you for writing this. I lost my husband June 26th 2022, because of heart attack. Everyday i still crying and just want to go with him if i could. He is very nice husband i am so gratefuk to have him. btw 2021 was very though year for him including his mother dies, he was in covid ill and so many problem at work. But God now save him and taking away all of his sadness and pain he carried. He is now in peace with God.

  7. Justin,
    After the recent shooting in Nashville, TN. Myself and all who would hear will benefit from your synopsis. Thank You for sharing.

  8. I thank God for his
    I lost my best friend,my inlow And a God fearing lady ever kind to everyone on 7th January 2023 it has been a heartreak ever since that time may her soul rest in eternal peace

  9. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve lost a lot of family and friends but I know I will see them one day when God calls me home. I’ve always heard the good die young but that’s not always true. Look at our older family members that lived a long life with God in their daily lives. Look at Jesus dieing on the cross at a young age for our sins. I thank God every day for watching over my family and friends and for all he gives me.

    • I completely agree that asking why the good die young is an incorrect question. Because we all know many good people lived long full lives. Rarely do we struggle with that though. What many of us struggle with is why so many good people die seemingly before their time. But just as in all things God has a greater purpose and even though our worldly mindsets often cloud our view of death it isn’t the end. For the redeemed death in this world is simply a graduation to the eternal glory of Heaven. Where we will experience a far greater life then any lived on earth and get to walk with our savior. As difficult as it is we should be happy for those who have gone home before us and find comfort in the fact that it won’t belong before we meet them in eternity.

  10. Having recently lost my youngest sister which I was heartbroken over , I would like to believe this as it would give me some peace of mind , but then why dosent every devout self righteous person die untimely , or people that are battling incurable illnesses , over 20 or 30 years ,also there was a young family , a husband and many relatives left behind with heartbroken grief

    • I am sorry for your loss and will be praying for you as well as your family. Death is never easy even with our faith in God’s word. Which is why I felt I had to share this message when God laid it on my heart and began to open my eyes in the scripture. I struggled to understand why God would want to take some and leave others, but God has helped me to better understand His purpose.

      One statement really sticks out to me in your comment. You ask why doesn’t every righteous person die an untimely death. Thats just the thing with God no one dies an untimely death. Nothing surprises God and nothing happens that doesn’t serve His greater plan.

      Every person has a purpose in the kingdom of God. For some it may take decades to accomplish that purpose. One that may even include years of battling sickness or struggling in other ways. Because in facing all that in the faith they are able to have a positive impact in the lives of so many others. Ultimately leading to the salvation of countless others often with our the effect person even realizing it. While others are able to accomplish their purpose much faster. Moving to the on to the next life at times before it seems like they could have had any kind of impact in our world. Often though the greatest impacts cant be seen. Like a tiny raindrop that cause ripples across a whole lake.

      The simple truth is we can’t always see or know what purpose God had for a life. But we can trust in the fact that all Christian’s who have passed away have accomplished what God meant for them too. While all those of us still living still have a purpose in this life for the glory of God. Instead of letting us remain in this messed up, fallen, broken world full of pain and hurt after our mission is complete God allows us to come home where all things are made new. It’s hard for us to imagine letting go of this world we can see, feel, and enjoy so much to go to one we have only heard described. But I can say with confidence that no one who has made it to Heaven would leave to come back to Earth. Especially knowing that they will one day be joined for eternity in paradise by those they left behind.

      Sadness and heartbreak are real when facing the death of a loved one. But we must turn to God and His word. Placing our trust in the promises of scripture. That make it clear death is not the end but the graduation to a better place. That while we of course miss those we have lost and would enjoy to share all our experiences with them we have no reason to share in the same sadness as the lost do. Because we know that in just a short time we will be reunited with them in eternity.

      I pray my comment helps. I realize my words won’t make everything better. I just hope they help you to keep the faith and keep seeking God. Keep working to understand death as you already are, asking God to give you understanding in this area. I pray you will find the peace you are searching for in God.


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