We prefer not to mention Hell that often because we fear people will consider it as fearmongering: an intentional incitement of fear to draw people to an altar. I believe we must be balanced with this subject, yet Hell is just as real as Heaven is. It’s a place of eternal torment. The human mind truly cannot comprehend the magnitude of what this place will be like.

Luke 16:19-31 vividly describes an heir of Hell enjoying life in his home and an heir of Heaven sitting at the gate, perishing with hunger. The time came when both died. The beggar was carried to Abraham’s side, and the rich man went to Hell. There he was in torment and looked for a way to be delivered from the agony of the fire. He pleaded, “Send the beggar Lazarus to my father’s house. I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so they will not come to this place of torment.”

Abraham answered, “They have the prophets; let them listen to them.” What happens if they are not willing to share the gospel?

From this story we learn:

• The souls of men live forever.

• There is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun. Both are real.

• The rich man cared, but he cared too late.

• If souls are reached, it will be because others went to them.

• If souls are reached, it will be because they have listened to a witness, preacher, or the Word of God.

I’ll be honest, it’s a place that haunted my dreams as a young boy. For years, I dreamed that I would wake up in hell, and saw the earth as I knew it, literally turn into hell before my eyes. Demonic men would motion for me to come, as if they were after me. It was usually at this point, I would wake up paralyzed in fear. I believe these dreams were allowed to come to be as a young boy, because I was not a true Christian growing up. It took fear of going to hell to awaken me. This is why Jude say’s: “And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling [them] out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.“

Sometimes it requires injecting Fear to awaken the deadened soul…the soul that is sedated by the worldly pleasures of life…

William Booth, the founder of Salvation Army, once remarked, “Most Christian ministries would like to send their recruits to Bible college for four or five years. ***I would like to send our recruits to hell for five minutes.*** That would do more than anything else to prepare them for a lifetime of compassionate ministry.”

If we saw the souls of humanity headed to this dreadful place, I believe it would help us to become the soul winners we are all called to be…Everybody is waiting for somebody, yet God is waiting for anybody to get caught on Fire to win souls..

What Do You See? The answer will determine what kind of Christian you will be…God help us to see lost humanity.

You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! John 4:35-36 (NLT)

A Voice from Hell

By Oscar C. Eliason

You lived next door to me for years We shared dreams, joys, and tears. A friend to me, you were indeed, A friend to help me when in need.

My faith in you was strong and sure; We had such trust as should endure. No spats between us ever arose, Among our friends, and so our foes. What sadness then, my friend to find That after all, you weren’t so kind.

The day on earth my life did end, I found you weren’t really a friend. For all those years we spent on earth We spoke of things that had some worth You never spoke of my lost soul And of Christ who’d make me whole.

I plead today from hell’s cruel fire And tell you now my last desire. You cannot do a thing today for me, No words today my bands will free. But don’t err, my friend again, Do all you can for the souls of men.

Plead now with them quite earnestly, Lest they be cast in hell with me!

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