Go with me to a time before man was created. Before there was ever a serpent and the forbidden fruit. The only things that existed were God and His angels. Many of us would like to think the first sin committed was the disobedience of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. But I would ask you to reconsider. Let us not forget that one of God’s mighty angels sinned against Him. Before there was Adam and Eve there was Lucifer, one of the chief angels. You would think living in Heaven there would be no sin, but Lucifer is proof that even the angels could sin.

If you are not familiar with the fall of Lucifer here is a brief overview. Lucifer was the ruler over the angels of worship. His job was to worship God. However, Lucifer had a pride issue. He began to see himself as better than God. 

Isaiah 14:12-14 (KJV)

“How though art fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning star!… For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation…I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”   

Instead of worshipping God, satan began worshipping himself. It is then that God kicks Lucifer and 1/3 of his angels out from heaven. And Lucifer now becomes satan.  Pride is then the first sin that was committed. And therefore, it is one of the secret weapons that satan uses to attack the church from within. 

Just like sexual desires, pride is something we all struggle with. It’s our human nature to be a bit prideful. If you ever hear yourself saying “I don’t battle with pride” or “I’m not prideful”, sirens should be ringing loud and clear… you definitely have a pride issue. Because to say you’re not prideful IS prideful. You are naive to think you don’t have pride… we ALL do! That’s why this is an easy device the enemy uses to cause us to stumble.

Pride is a silent killer. It’s an inward struggle, a heart issue! With sexual sin, drugs, alcohol, homosexuality etc.. these things are more outward. There are physical actions taking place. Pride is something you can keep hidden. With pride, we can easily fool ourselves by wearing a mask. We can portray our selves as selfless, but in reality we are covering up our pride.

For example, when you do something nice for a person, to everyone else you may look like a nice person but what is your motive? Be careful… because if you are doing it so that others will view you as being nice you are actually more worried about what others think about YOU. You aren’t really caring about that other person. You are caring about your self image. Your motive should not be I want others to see me as a nice person so I’m going to be kind. Just show kindness without any hidden agendas. One way to check yourself is to evaluate how you treat others when no one else is around watching you. Do kind acts in secret, and be careful not to boast about your kind acts. 

There are some areas of ministry, I believe are more susceptible to this attack. Ministries such as preachers and music ministers. These ministries are seen. They have “the spotlight” on them, literally and figuratively. If we aren’t careful, we can get too focused on whether or not we will get the opportunity to preach, sing or play that instrument.

If you find yourself constantly wondering “when will it be my turn” and get offended if you don’t get that solo or opportunity, more than likely you’re allowing your pride to control your thoughts and attitude. Let us remember that satan was the angel over worship/music. This is why I am a believer that music ministry is an easy target for the enemy. We can easily let pride control us if we aren’t careful. Especially in ministries that are “seen”. 

Pride can also take root in our appearance. Worrying too much about our outward appearance than our inward. Or how about our worldly possessions such as our house and car. Are we too worried about having the next model of iPhone more than our spiritual walk with God? Now I’m not against looking nice and having nice things. I believe that if God has blessed you with the finances to afford nice things, then go ahead, as long as you have first given Him His part. But be careful to not get wrapped up in the thoughts of “I’ve got to have it” or “I want people to think I’m rich” mentality.

Remember, God came down and was born in a stable! The King of all kings was born in the humblest of places.  He even chose poor men to be His disciples. God is more concerned with our inward heart than our outward appearance

1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)

“…Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for the man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart”

Once again we could wear our masks and give the false allusion that our hearts are right when deep down they are not. We may be dressed up as “the part” but are we living up to the part. When people look at us, they should see God. If your possessions or talents are causing people to look and focus more on you than God, it is time to evaluate your heart. You should never care more about how you appear than how God’s spirit is appearing in you. When we are more focused about whether or not we get a microphone or our appearance we are losing sight of the main purpose we are here on earth and that’s to reach the lost with His gospel! 

It’s been said we give satan too much credit. And although I understand this statement and I believe we do at times, I would also say sometimes we don’t give him ENOUGH credit. He is not dumb.  He is referenced to be sly. He knows your weakness and he knows how to tempt us. Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy us.

1 Peter 5:8 (KJV)

“Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour.”

Remember, satan was created to worship God, but since he allowed pride to make him fall, God created us, fleshly beings, who chose to worship him. Essentially we have taken his job and will eventually take his place in heaven. Because of this, satan understands if he can’t get you to sin in other areas of your life, he will use the one thing that made him fall – pride!  He knows that pride will separate us from God, and he would love nothing more than for us to fall like he did.  

James 4:6 (KJV)

“ … God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”  

With this attack, prayer is the key to victory. A daily prayer life, asking God to humble you and remove the pride will no doubt defeat this sin. Like I said, we are human and pride is a natural thing to have. So there will be times you will fail and allow pride to control your thoughts or actions, but thank God for His mercy and grace! Realize you failed, ask for forgiveness, get back up and try again. 

Expose others to the eye-opening message of this article by sharing it on social media. It is important that every Christian understands and knows how the devil is attempting to attack God’s people. So that we can fend off his tricks and help others who are struggling. Be sure to check back for the next part in this impactful three-part series by Aubrey After. Before you leave please visit our prayer wall and prayer for a need. Or let us know of a need of your life so we can bring it before God. Have a great day and God Bless!


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