“How To Preach And Help Nobody” – Johnny James


I am always on the lookout for great preaching. I really struck gold with this one. Johnny James brings passion, truth, and fire in this sermon entitled “How To Preach And Help Nobody”. It is worth noting that this message was given at BOTT which is a ministers conference. While that may cause you to think this message is not for you I promise it is.

This is the first time I have heard Johnny James preach. Let me tell you he is amazing. In a few of the shots you can see the podium and he does not appear to have any notes. Which is extremely impressive especially when preaching for almost an hour. Plus he is quoting scripture word for word with not problems. You better listen closely though because he an extremely fast talker.

This sermon is also full of great one liners. “If Jesus don’t give us strength we can’t crack an egg on Easter.” “If age ain’t nothing but a number then King Kong wasn’t nothing but a monkey.” Those are just a couple out of many great one liners.

As I said before this message was amid at pastors. I feel like it would be a great sermon to have any young pastor watch. Johnny James gives so many examples of how pastors should or should not act. Making points like you were chosen to be you so do not try to preach like someone else. Or do not seek popularity, instead seek to make Jesus popular. If you know a pastor young or old I would highly recommend this sermon for them.

For those of us that are not preachers, this message is still meaningful. This name of this sermon is how to preach and help nobody. I would be willing to say it could be referred to as how to be preached to and get no help. For instance, do you wonder if your church is being lead properly? If your pastor is the example of how to preach and help nobody, then you have your answer.

We must also remember that every christian is a steward of God. So we must all live according to the same requirements. Meaning if we want to do our best to live for God we should spend time in prayer and fasting. It is also important that we search our hearts for pride. And remove anything that does not belong.

I truly cannot recommend this sermon on how to preach and help nobody enough. It is a great sermon that keep you hooked from beginning to end. I hope it has made an impact on you like it has me. What other sermons have impacted your life? Let us know in the comments below. I would love to check them out.


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