Hearing that the Bible changed someone’s life is a common story, one told by almost every Christian. While I could tell that same story because the Bible did change my life. I have to really point towards one specific Bible that has forever changed the trajectory of my life and allowed me to truly understand the truth held within its pages.

Growing up I always had access to some sort of Bible. Of course, I spent time in the Word trying to read and understand all it had to tell but still, I struggled. One day at a used book store, with my now wife then friend, I came across a small Bible that just felt right in my hand. The price was right and without even checking to see the translation I walked to the front and purchased it. 

It was not until after leaving the store that I realized that the Bible I had just purchased was a New Living Translation. Like many others, I grew up in what was pretty much a KJV only household. So to be honest I was not really aware of other translations of the Bible.

What I did know, or at least what I thought I knew at the time, was that other translations are bad. So I shelved the little NLT and continued to struggle through the KJV. For some reason, my mind was always being drawn back to that little Bible. Eventually, I gave in and began to read it.

But then I would feel as though I shouldn’t be reading it. So I would shelf it once again and try to return to the trusty old KJV. Still, though I couldn’t shake this desire to read my copy of the NLT. Once again I picked up that little Bible that just felt so good in the hand and began to read. However, this time was different. This time I didn’t stop.

The rest is really history after picking up that Bible. I was off to the races. Me! Someone who could hardly read a chapter a day. Or that could even retain a verse in the KJV was now reading for hours. Plus I was remembering vast amounts of scripture. 

Things I had missed before became extremely apparent to me. That being said I cannot give the understanding of scripture I have gained all to this Bible. I was, of course, still in the church where I always got a God dose of teaching. Yet it was in this Bible that I, for the first time read and understood a certain verse that helped to change my life. 

James 1:5 (NLT)

5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

It was in this little Bible that while I was beginning to understand God for myself. Not just believing what I had been told, but really getting to know God first hand. That I discovered that verse which tells the reader if they truly understand then they need to pray and ask God for wisdom. So I did and once again more and more seemed to be unlocked. All of it was all stemming from this little Bible that I just happened to stumble upon. In a place that never promises to have any specific book at any specific time.

Now hours that add up to days have been spent in this Bible. Throughout this time its appearance has changed, the gold leafing is fading, various colors fill the pages, tiny notes are scribble in on what little bits of margin are available, sticky notes are scattered throughout and a thumb index has even been added just because.

All that time spent with my little NLT Bible has shaped my walk with God. It has brought me into a right and a better relationship with my heavenly Father. In fact, without this Bible, it is quite possible that this website would not exist today. Because it was in this Bible that I read scripture such as Psalms 96:3. Which opened my eyes to the fact that I had to find a way to tell everyone about my amazing God!

Psalm 96:3 (NLT)

3 Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.

    Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.

This Bible now lives its life on a shelf. But still holds a dear place in my heart and will always remain with me. Today I split my time between a couple of translations. The KJV has fallen into focus as of late. Especially since now I am able to better define many of the old English words. But what I have learned from this experience is that what Jesus says is true. His word will never fade away. What may change though, is the words in which we use to express it. They may continue to evolve as our language evolves so that we may continue to understand what He is saying to us.

Matthew 24:35 (NLT)

35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.

Personally, I have read large amounts of scripture in various translations. This has taught me that while every translation may say it different. The word of God remains the same throughout almost every translation. Sadly there are some translations that have changed God’s word but those are few and far between. The major versions such as the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NLT, and NIV can all be read one after another and say the same thing just in a different way.

Of course, I know my audience. Many Apostolics today still believe that the KJV is the only translation worthy of our time. And honestly, that’s fine. You should read the Bible you feel that God is leading you to read. Just be sure that is truly what God wants you to do through prayer. 

I just want to share my experience. Telling anyone who reads this that I truly believe that God led me to this Bible that day in that store. And then continued to lead me to this Bible time and time again. All so I would become the person He wanted me to be. Honestly, I wish I would have read it sooner. 

So if you feel led by God to read a translation other than the KJV, I say try it! Don’t miss out on what God may be leading you to. Simply because you worry about what others may think or say. Who knows maybe God led you to this article today just as He led me to that bookstore years ago.

I hope this article has helped someone in some way. If you wouldn’t mind sharing this article with others we would greatly appreciate it. Our goal is to do just what is stated above in Psalms 96:3, but we can’t do that without the help of readers like you. God Bless!

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