Recently I began to carry a small Bible with me absolutely everywhere. With the hope that I would be able to spend more time reading scripture. Even more than that though, I found myself wanting to share the Gospel with more people. Which in turn led me down the path of trying to create the perfect Bible to use for my personal evangelism efforts.

It was one realization that led me to want to create a Bible tailored to the purpose of outreach and evangelism. Even though I know the Gospel and how to teach it. Trying to find one verse out of thousands can be hard when you are on the spot. You only have a limited amount of time to share the gospel with someone. So you simply can’t waste time searching for a verse. Not to mention what it does to your credibility if you seem lost in the word. 

By carrying a Bible with you that is set up for sharing with others none of that is ever a problem. You have everything you need right at your fingertips. All you have to do is layout the gospel and then turn right to all the scripture you need. 

Why Should You Do This

I feel as though I should take a moment to explain why every Christian should carry a Bible set up like this. As I have already explained to some extent it is primarily for the purpose of sharing our faith with others. We are told in the Bible that faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. So to spread the faith we must share the word.

Romans 10:17 (ESV)

17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

But that’s not the only reason we should do this. At some point or another, someone is going to question your faith. It’s just a fact of life. When this happens you must be able to point to scripture and give evidence for your beliefs. Having an evangelism Bible means you are always prepared to give the reasons for your hope in Christ. 

1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)

15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 

Picking A Bible

Besides picking the verses you are going to include in your evangelism Bible. Picking the right Bible to use may be the most important part. Since the point is to carry this Bible with you everywhere you go, size is the key. Trust me the smaller the better. Preferably something that you would be able to fit in the back pocket of some jeans. Or for the ladies something that will easily fit in your purse.

Collection Of Small Bible Compared To An iPhone

Those are just a few examples of the small Bibles we own that fit the needs of an evangelism Bible well. Most of which can be picked up at any Christian or even regular bookstore. That being said, if I had to recommend one specific Bible for this task it would have to be the Pitt Minion.

The Cambridge Pitt Minion is great for this purpose for many reasons. First of all, it is a great form factor. It comes in pretty much whatever translation you would like. While also offering a few higher-end models that will hold up better to carrying with you than their cheaper counterparts. Also, they are reference Bibles which is very useful in evangelism. Plus the page layout is the same as the Cambridge wide margin. Just in case you want a bigger Bible to match.


Throughout my research and trials, I have found two methods that will work great for anyone. Really which one you choose from the two shown below comes down to your own personal preference. If you are anything like me, though you may want to consider combining the methods.

Bevel Your Bible

I recently discovered the beveling method and instantly fell in love. If you want even more details on this method you can find them here and here. But right now I will do my best to give you the footnotes.

Basically, you will create categories of scripture like baptism, repentance, forgiveness, or whatever else you may choose. Then you will assign each of the categories a color. For instance, you could assign red to repentance. Then every verse you come across that you would want to share with others about repentance you simply highlight it red.

It is common for people to use a color code like this when marking up their Bibles. However, to properly bevel your Bible you must do one more thing. On each page that you have a verse highlighted you will want to also mark the very edge of the page with the same color. So when the time comes and you need to find a verse to make your point. One can quickly be found by looking at the side of your Bible.

Listing Key Scriptures

This is the method I came up with when the idea of creating the perfect evangelism Bible first starting floating around my mind. Of course, I am sure others have been doing this for some time due to its simplicity. All you do is make a list of scriptures that cover different topics and keep the list in your Bible.

Personally, I use sticky notes so they won’t fall out. I stick them to the cover pages at the front of my Bible. Using a different sticky note for each category helps me to stay organized. I also write a small explanation of each verse next to the verse numbers so I know exactly what I am going to flip too.

This is a great method that allows you to not mark up your Bible if you prefer not to. Or at least not to the extent required by the beveling method. I actually still highlight the verse I have written on the sticky note just so I do not have to search the whole page. But honestly, it comes to whatever your personal preferences are. I will say though that if you chose to combine the two methods you will probably be even better off.

Picking Scriptures

Don’t expect any hints in this section. I personally believe that to be most effective in your evangelism efforts. You must personally pick the scripture you want to use. Sharing your faith is not just reading a list of scripture to someone. It is actually opening up to another person and teaching based on the scriptures and lessons that shaped your faith.

So if you are serious about everyday evangelism. Really take some time to decide on what scripture to include. Pick verses that have touched you. Ones you truly understand. That opened your eyes to the truth. Those scriptures that have stuck with you since the time you were first saved. Because really this process is not to create the perfect evangelism Bible for anyone to use. It is to create the perfect evangelism Bible for you to use. 

If you do not understand why a verse applies to a certain subject don’t use it. The goal is not to put someone through your own college-level seminary class. It is to simply open their eyes to the truth of the Gospel. And the best way to do that is to be real with them. Just like someone was with you once.

Now Carry This Bible Everywhere

There is no point to spend time setting up a Bible like this if you are not going to carry it with you. So don’t just make one. Take it with you everywhere you go! Be ready to share your faith with anyone. As Christians, we are instructed to always be ready to share our faith. Carrying a Bible like this is the best way to always be prepared.

1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)

15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

We hope that this article has helped you to create your perfect evangelism Bible. Have a method you use not mentioned above? Please let us know in the comments below. Or if you decided to try this out please come back and let us know how it is working out for you. 

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