“He Rose” – FAC Maryville Sanctuary Choir


Recently during my morning Bible reading, I was finishing The Gospel of Matthew. As soon as I read the words “Early On Sunday Morning” in Matthew 28:1 the song “He Rose” started playing in my head. Of course, I immediately turned to youtube to find my church’s rendition. I am actually listening to it as I write this.

“He Rose” is normally a song reserved for Easter celebrations, as I am sure you know. However, I believe that a song celebrating the life-saving resurrection of Jesus Christ should be laid year round. Especially with amazing lines like “But Early(LAY), I Said Early(LAY), Sunday Morning He Rose”. Which is, of course, the one I was singing to myself as I searched for the video. That verse is just one of many great lines packed into this song.

That being said Easter is this Sunday morning! So this is the perfect song to hear on Good Friday and get you into the right mindset. It was to day that Jesus was placed in a tomb and thought to be dead. But praise God early Sunday morning He Rose!

You cannot listen to this without being overcome with joy. Jesus was nailed to a cross for us. Not just one person or a select few. Jesus died for the sins of every person to ever set foot on this earth. There is no greater example of love, mercy, and grace.

Jesus didn’t stop there He fulfilled His own prophecy and rose on the third day. Defeating death and proving that He truly was the Messiah. I hope hearing this song brings you the same joy described at the very beginning of this song. Overjoyed that Jesus loves you! I hope that you will take a moment and celebrate the Lord today! And be ready to do it again this Sunday!

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