Muslim Conversion – Johnny James


If you saw one of our recent articles entitled “How To Preach And Help Nobody” – Johnny James. Then you would know that I recently discovered the amazing preaching of Jonny James. I have to admit that I might be a little obsessed. This led me to discover this clip where he speaks about a Muslim conversion experience he facilitated.

What makes this video and many other messages from Johnny James great is his unique way of mixing truth and humor. Few people are able to mix the two in a way that does not dishonor The Word. Johnny James is one of those few.

Due to our social climate, the story he describes is shocking. Most of us would probably steer clear of attempted Muslim conversion. Worrying about offending the man, which would probably lead to a social outcry. Or possibly just worrying about our personal safety.

In contrast, this is not a problem for Johnny James he pretty much insults the guy right out of the gate. Telling the man my book is better your book. Can you imagine doing that! I mean he was being honest, but that a pretty harsh way to open a conversation. Especially with a devout Muslim.

Furthermore, most Christians have no idea what the Koran says or really anything about it. Leading us to view Muslim conversion as an impossibly tall mountain to climb. Again not a problem for Johnny James! Throughout the video, he displays a great knowledge of the Koran. He is not just reading from notes either, you can see the podium in a few shots. It does not have even one page on it.

In my opinion, the best part of this video is when the Muslim man tells him his name and it ends with Muhammad. Then he says oh well my name is Johnny James Jesus. It probably shocked the other man. However, it is true and a great concept to think about.

When we became Christians we didn’t just agree to follow some rules. We didn’t just say oh yeah that Bible is telling the truth. No, we took on the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Giving us a new name after the new birth. I would happily be called Justin Lee Jesus. Announcing to the world that my allegiance lies with the one who created the heavens and the earth!

Overall this video proves that Christians need to do all they can to share the Gospel with Muslims. We often have ideas of Muslims that may or may not be true. One thing is true though they are searching for truth. They are waiting for a relationship with God. Just as we all once were. Sadly they have been tricked by a false prophet to believe in a false god. Just as Johnny James proves to this man during this video.

Therefore I hope going forward we will all do more to facilitate Muslim conversion. All people are deserving of a relationship with the One True God. As believers, it is our mission to help the lost. I know that I truly hope to do better moving forward. For me, that starts with sharing this powerful clip with as many people as possible. I ask that you would please share it as well.


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